Qualities Required for Achieving Success in Life

Achieving success in life is a priority in every individual’s life. Of the countless reasons to justify, the first reason would be that with Success, Economic independence is most certain byproduct. Here we would discuss the Qualities Required for Achieving Success in Life.

The foremost required Ingredient for achieving Success in life is having a Vision. One great Hymn writer once mentioned, “I never pity a man who doesn’t have his visual faculties, but I pity them who doesn’t have a Vision”

Such a powerful and a meaningful statement which is appropriate to all generation, both existing and the the ones to come. The Bible says, “People without Vision, perish” The validity of the statement can be seen in our every walk of our lives. Just ask the first person who comes across you, “What is your purpose in life?” In most cases, the answer would be, “I am trying to make ends meet” The Bible teaches to be fruitful and multiply but here we have people who are happy even if they could barely scrap through. Their objectivity is to lead a life of existence and not live a life of excellence.

This same philosophy they follow as if as a rule written on stone with an Iron tipped pen. But there is just this one problem, when the laws of old age hits at them hard, there would just be one option for them to opt for, which would be, “wishing for the day to pass by soon, hoping that some passerby would leave them a blanket to keep them warm and some food parcels to help them barely scrape by”

Your lack of Vision would lead you to Night Shelters

It is estimated that 75% of Americans are broke, which would mean any break in their salaries or in case of a job less, they would barely make it to the next month. With the only option being, Night Shelters and Walmart parking lots.

The single most reason that most find themselves in the situation mentioned about is because of their lack or failure to have a Vision. Of course for sure they too wanted to lead a life of Comfort, Joy and Happiness, but they never pushed themselves into the frame of stirring themselves into providing them with sufficient Reasons as to Why they ought to do now what they ought to do?

You see, Vision is merely an Abstraction of your Passion. Something that you would happily be involved in doing for the rest of your life, so much so that you are never bored or found wanting for material things or kind. The question now remains how would you obtain such a vision? The answer, “seek and ye shall find”

Qualities Required for Achieving Success in Life-Where to Seek?

There are two ways you can obtain an answer to any question. One way is to ask people who are considered specialist while the other way is to ask your inner self.

There wouldn’t be much objection from people with regard to the first one. For in most cases, they would literally use an excuse such as, “I never found a reliable person who could answer my questions on my quest”. However, if you were to suggest the second one, there would be tons of excuses expressing one’s incompetencies and inadequacies.

Why? Because most people think that they are incapable and just not received suitable training or education to seek from within. The irony is, when Henry Ford, with no more than 3 months of school education can come out with a Model T design, to shock the world and thereby achieve Economic liberties, they why not others?

The problem is, people are always programmed to look for solutions outside. So, when you tell someone that the answers to all your situations is found inside of you, they would either laugh it out as a joke or would start an argument with you in a bid to prove that they inadequate.

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